Starting Experience

  1. Turn on headset
  2. Put headset on yourself
  3. Press & hold the oculus button on remote
  4. Enter Expo app
  5. Select ‘Cinema’ tab

<aside> ✅ Headset is now set up. Put headset on guest and use tablet remote to control the experience.


  1. Select headset number
  2. Select experience guest wants to watch
  3. Select ‘Start’
  4. Select ‘Play’ in pop-up window

<aside> ⚙ Allow guest to watch experience. Monitor the headset by checking on the experience in the tablet app view windows and checking headset stats


Stopping Experience

<aside> 🛑 Wait for experience to finish


  1. Select headset number(s) that you are controlling
  2. Select the “Stop” icon on the tablet
  3. Allow guest to take off the headset.
  4. Offer to take the headset from the guest